About us


Follow your passion

According to the 2030 Vision in the Kingdom in facing the future challenges
And the requirements of development, and according to this trend, we are keen to have an effective role and a positive and tangible contribution and its rehabilitation to contribute in developing the youth skills more in the human development process in the country.

The Training Center seeks to improve the professional competence of trainers and educational leadership in order to achieve the quality of performance in the educational process and its outputs.

Providing distinguished training programs and consulting according to the international standards of quality, and meets the needs of society with the aim of reaching a better performance that helps to achieve the goals that had been drawn.

The Training Center seeks to improve the professional competence of trainers and educational leadership in order to achieve the quality of performance in the educational process and its outputs.

Nowadays, the training is one of the important factors in developing business and increasing its effectiveness
its productivity, and the development of the human is the primary stone for change and providing the best services.
At the present, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lives a comprehensive development renaissance, which made the Kingdom in the first row position in the ranks of developed countries in the economic, administrative and human fields.
Pioneers Skills believes that the training process is a permanent partnership relationship between the training entity and the society. From this standpoint, the Pioneers Skills center for training is proud to have

the ability to create training programs according to the requirements and to be within the approved training fields.





According to the 2030 Vision in the Kingdom in facing the future challenges
And the requirements of development, and according to this trend, we are keen to have an effective role and a positive and tangible contribution and its rehabilitation to contribute in developing the youth skills more in the human development process in the country.




The Training Center seeks to improve the professional competence of trainers and educational leadership in order to achieve the quality of performance in the educational process and its outputs.





Providing distinguished training programs and consulting according to the international standards of quality, and meets the needs of society with the aim of reaching a better performance that helps to achieve the goals that had been drawn.





The Training Center seeks to improve the professional competence of trainers and educational leadership in order to achieve the quality of performance in the educational process and its outputs.

يسعى مركز التدريب إلى الارتقاء بالكفاءة المهنية للمدربين والقيادة التربوية بما يحقق جودة الأداء في العملية التعليمية ومخرجاتها .



Nowadays, the training is one of the important factors in developing business and increasing its effectiveness
its productivity, and the development of the human is the primary stone for change and providing the best services.
At the present, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lives a comprehensive development renaissance, which made the Kingdom in the first row position in the ranks of developed countries in the economic, administrative and human fields.
Pioneers Skills believes that the training process is a permanent partnership relationship between the training entity and the society. From this standpoint, the Pioneers Skills center for training is proud to have

the ability to create training programs according to the requirements and to be within the approved training fields.

من العوامل المهمة في تطوير الأعمال وزيادة فعاليتها وإنتاجيتها، كما أن تطوير العنصر البشري هو الحجر الأساسي للتغيير وتقديم أفضل الخدمات. وفي الوقت الحاضر تعيش المملكة العربية السعودية نهضة تنموية شاملة ,مما أسهم في وضع المملكة في مصاف الدول المتطورة في المجالات الاقتصادية والإدارية والبشرية.إن المركز على إيمان بأن العملية التدريبية هي علاقة شراكة دائمة بين جهة التدريب والمجتمع, ومن هذا المنطلق فإن مركز مهارات الرواد للتدريب يعتز بأن يكون لديه القدرة على إنشاء برامج تدريبية حسب المتطلبات وأن تكون ضمن المجالات التدريبية المعتمدة.

Our values

  • Passion

  • Power

  • Perfection


Our values


Our values


Our values


Our values


What distinguishes us

Traning Room

A training room equipped with an integrated audio system and uses the latest technologies used for training.

Practical training room

The room is equipped with an integrated equipments so that all devices are linked to each other and they have only one control source.

Rest Room

The rest room equipped with an integrated equipment which has been equipped with the latest technology in order to spend the trainee his period of break,

Partners over the world

Partners over the world



saeed mahamad

Certified coach in english language

manal salem

Certified computer coach

Mahamad Al-jehani

Certified trainer in Adobe programs

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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